Early Years Provision
Welcome to St James' Early Years
The St James' Early Years Unit is bright, spacious and welcoming, and provides a range of opportunities for your child to learn, grow and flourish. We value quality early years education, giving children the building blocks they need to succeed when they start school. Our Nursery caters for children aged 2 to 4 year olds.
All the activities we offer are designed to give children an opportunity to experience their environment, practice and develop skills and increase their knowledge. They will also be given chances to make choices, to be praised and encouraged, and made to feel comfortable and secure in a warm, loving environment.
Our Busy Bees and Nursery classes are staffed by, Mrs McClinton, Miss Smith and Mrs McIntyre. Our Reception class is staffed by Mrs Livingston (EYFS Lead) and Miss Browning. All of our classes are supported by a team of dedicated, highly trained teaching assistants who are all passionate about ensuring all children receive the highest level of care and education. We would love to meet you and your little one, so please contact our office on 01695 728989 to arrange a visit today and we will show you around our lovely unit.
What do you offer for Nursery Age 2-4?
We offer part time and full time sessions, including lunch, Monday to Friday, term time only. Here at St James' we take children from the term after they turn 2 years old. We offer both the government 15 and 30 hour schemes.
The price per 3 hour session is £15.00.
If you would like your child to stay for lunch, the charge is £3.50 per day.
When do your sessions run?
We comprise of two sessions, a morning and afternoon.
Morning session:
8:30am- 11:30am
(Lunch: 11:30am - 12:15pm)
Afternoon session:
12:15pm - 3:15pm
Is there a uniform?
Yes, please follow the link to our uniform information: https://www.st-james-pri.lancs.sch.uk/uniform/
Please ensure that every item of uniform (including shoes) are labelled clearly with your child's name. We also suggest that children have Velcro shoes to assist during PE sessions.
Each child will need to bring a pair of wellies and the necessary warm clothing as we will be outside a lot.
How can I help my child?
There are many ways you can help your child at home. Some ideas are suggested below.
We would love to hear from you about any achievements your child has mastered at home and that they and you are proud of. All learning needs to be celebrated! Home learning can be documented via class dojo including photographs, videos and comments.
Suggested activities to help at home:
- Counting as your walk upstairs
- Play with inset jigsaws
- Singing nursery rhymes
- Recognising colours
- Play with shape sorters
- Practice mark marking with a variety of tools e.g. pencils, sand, felt tips, stamps
- Reading repetitive stories and encouraging your child to look at the pictures in order to extend their vocabulary
- Encourage your child to talk as they play.
Do you follow a curriculum?
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which places focus on providing an environment which supports children's Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional development, as well as Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. We aim to support each child to identify their own sense of identity and self - worth, as well as focusing on each and every child’s individual needs and interests. All children have the opportunity to independently engage in activities, both indoors and outdoors, whilst exploring different themes during the course of the year.
What areas are available?
Communication and Language
We aim to provide the children with a vocabulary rich environment, providing lots of opportunities for speaking and listening. In our Nursery setting we encourage the children to develop their use and understanding of basic key vocabulary. On a daily basis the children will listen to and join in with stories and rhymes, building their level of attention and concentration span over the course of the year. We also encourage and model the use of language when playing in the continuous provision.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
At St James’ we provide a welcoming a nurturing environment for all children. We encourage children to be independent learners and have confidence in their abilities, as well as support them in learning how to manage their feelings and understand appropriate behaviours.
Physical Development
We are very fortunate to have a large outdoor area providing lots of opportunities for the children to develop their gross motor skills. We have a variety of equipment including bikes, trikes and scooters, balls and building bricks as well as a trim trail which children have access to on a daily basis. We also help to develop the children’s fine motor skills through carefully selected activities such as through using play dough or chubby chalks.
Early reading a writing skills are of upmost importance to us, and as such children are provided with lots of opportunities throughout the day to listen to and talk about stories, initially using pictures to decode story lines. We also use various mark making methods such as painting, drawing in sand and using chalks and we encourage children to give meaning to their marks. As children move into our nursery class they with begin to recognise and write some letters such as those from their name.
We plan to help children develop their mathematical awareness through everyday play, creating opportunities for children to improve counting skills, understand and use numbers as well as use and describe shape, space and measure. Examples of this include singing number nursery rhymes, comparing the size of toy animals and sorting objects by shape or colour.
Understanding the World
We aim to promote a natural curiosity about the world and provide opportunities to explore and investigate through everyday activities. Children have access to the natural world around us through our outdoor provision and we often set up activities for children to take part in planting, hunting for bugs and nature walks. We also aim to provide children with an understanding of the wider world through storybooks, short video clips and discussion.
Expressive Art and Design
Children are encouraged to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas in a range of ways including through art, design and technology, role play, music and dance. We have a range of resources for the children to independently access and use including musical instruments, a ‘home’ corner, creative and painting areas.
Further information
NO SWEETS OR SNACKS IN NURSERY PLEASE. We have several children and staff within school with allergies.
Your child will receive a piece of fruit daily and will have access to water and milk (3 Year olds) throughout the session.
NO TOYS IN THE NURSERY. Please leave toys at home. We have sufficient toys in the Nursery and would hate for your child’s personal items to be misplaced or damaged.
Am I entitled to 15/30 hours free childcare?
How do I apply for a place?
If you want to find out more information about our availability of places, please contact our main office on 01695 728989.
![]() Miss Kirk - Reception Teacher |
![]() Mrs Hughes - Reception TA |
![]() Mrs McIntyre (Nursery Lead- Butterflies) |
![]() Mrs McClinton (Busy Bees Lead) |
![]() Miss Rose (Reception TA) |
![]() Miss Marshall (Busy Bees TA) |
![]() Mrs Jones (Nursery TA) |
![]() Miss Norton (Nursery TA) |